In this blog post I want to break down what you need to know .
This change only applies to plant material.
Your days do not reset on 1/3/2022 your reset cycle will remain the same .
A tenth or 2.8 unit will change from a 2 day unit to 1 day unit .
A half ounce will now only be 5 days regardless of the total thc or the cultivator so will be able to mix and match 2.8 units .
1 ounce will use 10 days regardless the cultivator or the strain . So if you buy 10 different 2.8 units it will still be 10 days used .
You will now be able to purchase 4 and half ounces every 45 days. This is a total of 9 ounces every 90 days.
Verify and confirm days before and after your purchase to make sure its right .
Be patient with dispensaries I have been advised there could be some technical issues but dispensaries will do their best.
You can always contact me Anthony D Riley with questions I will get answers if I don't know the correct answer. If I have said anything incorrectly i will edit and fix it .The new chart is attached to this post because it so small you will need to download it make it bigger .
To be clear I don't work for any LLC I am doing this to help patients. Thank you to pharmacy and other LLCs who are working with me to help patients.
Happy New Years Anthony Riley founder of Ohio Cannabis Live.
You can reach me directly at 614-817-5805 or email 10am to 10pm
